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Kurschema => se aktuella 2016-kurser

KURSER - info och bakgrund


För kontakt:  PTC kurser e-post eller ring 031-290079 och fråga efter kursinfo.

Vanligast kursalternativen:

- Kontakta för förfrågan - priser borttagna från web pga PTC UNIKA paket, fasta priser och PTC certifierade lärare.

Beskrivning och info nedan. Nr 1: kurschema följer under ram-info nedan.

1. PTC-1 certifierade/ PTCkurser - PTC planerade -  START GARANTI om minst en deltagare.
- Se detaljerat kursinnehåll - översikt HÄR
- övningsmaterial från PTC
- handledarmaterial/OH från PTC 
- certifierad kursledare
- eUniversity eLearning grundutbildning ingår.
- Student Edition Pro/E-license för installation på hemmadator
- PTC kursutvärdering
- Intyg för godkänd kurs
- Info nedan.

2. PTC-2 certifierade/PTCkurser - PRO NORDIC planerade
- Se detaljerat kursinnehåll - översikt HÄR (samma innehåll som PTC ovan)
- Samma kurs som i PTC-1 tyvärr färre tillfällen
  Vi samlar ihop deltagare för att erhålla:
- homogen kunskapsnivå
- bra mix för bra gruppsamarbete
- Vi hinner bättre planera och hantera kundföretagets/deltagarnas specifika inriktningar.
- Ofta får dessa kurser en känsla av specialarbete där deltagarna är delaktiga/viktiga för gruppens resultat/arbete.


3.  KSL 3 - x-konsult kurser - alternativ till PTC kurser.
Kurser hålls av kända men ej certifierade konsulter varför vissa frågetecken anges i texten jämfört med PTC.
Pro/E kuser hållna utgående från "hemma" gjort material av X-konsult AB oftast för kund med special behov.
- Kursledare, kursmaterial och/eller kursinnehåll är ej PTC certifierat.
- Kursledare följer kursmaterialet som håller högsta standard, stor erfarenhet men ej PTC certifierad.
- Ej alltid senaste material och innehåll jmf:t med PTC men passar företag som vill ha egen anpassad utbildning.
  PTC-kurs har senaste nytt + 2 st viktiga elev optioner => Pro/E studentlicens + intyg på certifierad kurs. 
- X-konsults kurser göres i konkurrens med världsföretaget PTC Inc.(USA) varför deltagare som behöver
  PTC certifiering för t ex internationella arbeten bör kontrollera kraven på utbildning (alt. personalkrav). 
I vissa fall krävs att man genomgått PTC certifierade utbildningar för att passa certifierade företag.
PRO NORDIC försöker jobba effektivt och oberoende därför kan vi erbjuda tjänster från flera utbildningsföretag.
Om ni är osäkra så kontakta er säljkontakt på PRO NORDIC så fixar vi bästa lösning för er.
Se info längre ner om kurser, priser och datum.

4.  PTC-4 certifierad internetkurs ptc-web "live"   PTC University eLearning, olika kurser 
- webkurs som göres direkt över internet "live". 
- Kursen går att stoppa, köras i egen takt, starta om mm.
- från XXXkr/elev => förslag: Pro/E grund/Fundamentals för X.x00kr/user 

5.  PTC-5   certifierat  e-kursbibliotek  Pro/ENGINEER libraries    
- få tillgång till flertalet lätta snabba kurser
- endast exempel: 10.000kr/user + upgrade 1.700kr/år 
- "oändliglicens" = perpetual license
- repeterbart material/kurser.
exempel på annat paket:

Perpetual per user
   = 1X.000kr
Pro/ENGINEER and COACH libraries plus Pro/FICIENCY (Perpetual=fortlöpande)
TRN-MT322-S=   X.X00k X.x00kr = 1 year support
= nya uppdatering + nya kurser + avtalet behåller värdet
Summa: 1X.000kr.

6.  PTC-6   certifierat  e-kursbibliotek - hyra  (samma som ovan men hyresabonnemang/år)
Ny länk: "självstudier" - PTC University - eLearning snabblänk svenska priser HÄR!
Hyra + uppgraderingsavtal till hyran
TRN-T231-S   =  (x)xxxkr:
Pro/ENGINEER and COACH libraries plus Pro/FICIENCY (Term) 1 year
Pro/ENGINEER and COACH libraries plus Pro/FICIENCY (Term) - 1 year support
- endast exempel:  5.600kr/user/år + support/upgrade 530kr/år = hyra/år,  repeterbara kurser
Summa för hyra + upgrade= 6.130kr


1. PTC-1 certifierade/ PTCkurser  

Senaste kurser i Pro/Engineer, Pro/Mechanica, PDMLink och MathCad

OBS! Se hela kurslistan nedan.
Turordning gäller vid bokning.
För företagsanpassade utbildningar kontakta oss för förslag.
E-post: Kursinfo och bokning: Pro/Nordic PTC kurser klicka HÄR!  eller ring 031-290079 och fråga efter kursinfo. 
Startgaranti – Vi ställer aldrig in en kurs!
Det finns kurser som är mer frekventa än andra och det kan finnas en risk att de mer sällsynta kurserna blir flyttade 
eller inställda. Därför garanterar vi att vi håller de kurser som är schemalagda (om det finns minst en deltagare).
Maxgräns för kursdeltagare är 6 stycken för att kunna tillgodose alla kursdeltagares behov.
Om antalet överskrids så håller vi en ny kurs igen snarast möjligt.

Kursmaterialet som används är utvecklat och certifierat av PTC.
Samtliga lärarledda kurser finns även i webbaserad form (PTC eLearning).
PTC eLearning innehåller samma material som den lärarledda kursen med inspelade föreläsningar,
demos, övningar samt tester. Deltagarna kan således repetera hela kursen alternativt valda avsnitt.
Efter genomförd lärarledd kurs får deltagarna tillgång till den webbaserade versionen av kursen.
De kursdeltagare som har gått grundutbildning i Pro/ENGINEER får även tillgång till en Pro/ENGINEER-licens som kan installeras på hemmadatorn.

Vi levererar tjänster och produkter enligt Certified Training Provider for PTC.

Kurser normalt i Göteborg, Malmö, Lund, Stockholm, Skellefteå och Uppsala samt specialkurser på plats hos kund. 
Ett anpassat kursupplägg kan erbjudas där delar av nedanstående kurser kombineras.


Kursschema för 2016 se 2016-kurser   =>  Nedan exempel från tidigare kursschema 2010 (vissa vill jämföra)

Utbildning Datum


Windchill Business Admin 17-19 aug
Advanced Assembly 30 aug-1 sept
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER 30 aug-3 sept
Mathcad - grundkurs 8-9 sept
Mathcad - fortsättningskurs 10-sep
Windchill Business Admin 14-16 sept
Advanced Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER 13-15 sept
Sheet Metal using Pro/ENGINEER 16-17 sept
Detailing using Pro/ENGINEER 20-22 sept
Advanced Assembly using Pro/ENGINEER 20-22 sept
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire - On Demand 20-24 sept
Pro/MECHANICA Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER 27 sept-1 okt
Windchill Business Admin 28-30 sept
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER  4-8 okt
Advanced Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER 4-6 okt
Mathcad - grundkurs 6-7 okt
Mathcad - fortsättningskurs 08-okt
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER  11-15 okt
Detailing using Pro/ENGINEER 13-15 okt
Advanced Assembly using Pro/ENGINEER 18-20 okt
Sheet Metal using Pro/ENGINEER 21-22 okt
Surfacing using Pro/ENGINEER 25-27 okt
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER  1-5 nov
Advanced Assembly using Pro/ENGINEER 8-10 nov
Windchill Business Admin 9-11 nov
Detailing using Pro/ENGINEER 10-12 nov
Surfacing using Pro/ENGINEER 15-17 nov
Mathcad - grundkurs 17-18 nov
Advanced Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER 22-24 nov
Detailing using Pro/ENGINEER 22-24 nov
Sheet Metal using Pro/ENGINEER 25-26 nov
Pro/MECHANICA Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER 25-26 nov
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER  29 nov-3 dec
Advanced Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER 2-3 dec
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER  6-10 dec
Advanced Modeling  - On Demand 6-8 dec
Mathcad - grundkurs 8-9 dec
Mathcad - fortsättningskurs  
Sheet Metal using Pro/ENGINEER  
Advanced Assembly using Pro/ENGINEER  

Om ovan kursschema ej är synlig gå till länk...senaste-kurs.

Se svenska och danska PTC kurser  PTC University  (båda utgått, nytt svensk schema ovan) 

PTC eLearning – Optimerad inlärning - Självstudier med inspelade kursledare (engelska)

  • Samtliga lärarledda kurser finns även i webbaserad form (PTC eLearning). Efter genomförd lärarledd kurs får deltagarna tillgång till den webbaserade versionen av kursen.
  • PTC eLearning innehåller samma material som den lärarledda kursen med inspelade föreläsningar, demos, övningar samt tester. Deltagarna kan således repetera hela kursen alternativt valda avsnitt.
  • Hemmalicens – CAD:a din sommarstuga
  • Deltagarna som går grundkursen i Pro/ENGINEER får även tillgång till en Pro/ENGINEER-licens som kan installeras på hemmadatorn. Ett bra utbildningstips kan vara att CAD:a sitt sommarhus i Pro/ENGINEER (eller sin lägenhet om man inte har något).
  • Antal deltagare – Maximera instruktörens tid för deltagarna
  • För att deltagarna ska få ut mesta möjliga av kursen ska instruktörens tid för varje deltagare maximeras. För att möjliggöra detta har vi en gräns på maximalt 6 deltagare per kurs. Blir det fler håller vi hellre kursen igen.
  • Training av Certified Training Provider till PTC 


2. PTC-2 certifierade/Smartkurser, PRO NORDIC kurs, öppen för bokning, boka eller ange önskat datum till oss.
    (2.750kr/dag inkl. certifierat material, morgon-/eftermiddagsfika, lunch ingår i priset)

   E-post: Kursinfo och bokning:
Pro/Nordic PTC kurser klicka HÄR!  eller ring 031-290079 och fråga efter kursinfo.

Course Title Language Price Facility Start Date End Date
Introduction to Pro/E Wildfire 3.0/ 4.0
Certifieradkurs("fyll upp"då kör vi)
& English
SEK13.900  GÖTEBORG Fråga oss Kontakta

Samtliga kurser i PTC listan för kurser kan erbjudas (se KURSER i meny)
Exempel på kurs:
1. Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
samma som ovan för PTC-1
Price: PTC-2 = 13.900kr
Vi rekommenderar denna kurs där ni inplaneras för att få en av de mest erfarna och certifierade kursledarna inom Pro/E.
Course info:
This course is designed for new users who want to become proficient with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire as quickly as possible. 
You will focus on learning core-modeling skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. 
Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies, drawings, and basic model management techniques. 
The course also includes a comprehensive design project that enables you to practice your new skills by creating realistic parts, 
assemblies, and drawings. At the end of each module, you will find a set of review questions to reinforce critical topics from that 
module. Your instructor will discuss these with the class. At the end of the course, you will find a course assessment in 
Pro/FICIENCY intended to evaluate your understanding of the course as a whole. After completing the course you will 
be well prepared to work effectively on product design projects using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire.

Fråga om info! 
Begär offert och ange önskad kurs, kalendertid och antal deltagare.
Normalt antal deltagare 5- 8 st. 
Upp till 12 st elever kan hanteras i våra utbildningslokaler.

Fler exempel på specialiteter:
2. Introduction to Pro/IntraLink
-grundkurs 1 dag - 2.780kr
3. Konsultkurs för Pro/IntraLink
- konsultkurs 1 dag - 2.780kr
För konsulter som jobbar med de stora IntraLink kunderna.

Ännu fler exempel på specialiteter:
4. Komprimeradkurs i Drawing(2D) - ritningshantering Pro/E  2 dagar
-kompkurs 2 dag - 5.560kr
5. Grundkurs i Drawing(2D) - ritningshantering Pro/E  3 dagar -grundkurs 3 dag - 8.340kr
6. Komprimeradkurs i advanced Assembly - avancerade sammanställningar i Pro/E  2 dagar -kompkurs 2 dag - 5.560kr
7. Grundkurs i advanced Assembly - avancerade sammanställningar i Pro/E  3 dagar -grundkurs 3 dag - 8.340kr
Kurserna passar både nyanställda eller konsulter som jobbar med t ex Tetra Pack, SKF, Volvo m fl. 


3.  Xtra-3__Xtra-konsult kurser.
EJ PTC orginal utan av extern X-konsult kurser med eget material.
Ej PTC material men kan skräddarsys för större grupper  (kontakta för mer info).

Schemalagda kurser Pro/ENGINEER 2010 Hösten

Windchill PDMLink 9.1                         

Pris (SEK)

Ort  Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec

Using Windchill
PDMLink 9.1     
(On Demand)                  

6.600 Sto


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Pris (SEK) Ort   Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Update for Wildfire 4.0 Users
(On Demand)
- Sto
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Update for Wildfire 3.0 Users
(On Demand)
- Sto
Basic Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto
Tillämpad Konstruktion i Pro/ENGINEER - Nivå I
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Detail Drawings & Pro/REPORT
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Advanced Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto
Sheetmetal Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto

Introduction to Surface Modeling
(2 dagar)

5.600 Sto
Introduction to Mechanism Design
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto
Introduction to Behavioral Modeling
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Photorender
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Design Animation
(On Demand)
- Sto
Pro/ENGINEER för administratörer
(On Demand)
9.900 Sto


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Pris (SEK) Ort   Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update for Wildfire 3.0 Users
(On Demand)
2.800 Sto
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update for Wildfire 2.0 Users
(On Demand)
Basic Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto
Intermediate Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Advanced Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto
Sheetmetal Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Detail Drawings & Pro/REPORT
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Introduction to Surface Modeling
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto
Introduction to Mechanism Design
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto
Tillämpad Konstruktion i Pro/ENGINEER - Nivå I
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Pro/ENGINEER för administratörer
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Introduction to Behavioral Modeling
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Pro/PIPING
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Photorender
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Interactive Surface Design
(On Demand)
- Sto


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Pris (SEK) Ort   Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Update for Wildfire 2.0 Users
(On Demand)
2.800 Sto
Basic Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto
Intermediate Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Advanced Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto
Sheetmetal Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Detail Drawings & Pro/REPORT
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto

Introduction to Surface Modeling
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto
Introduction to Mechanism Design
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto
Tillämpad Konstruktion i Pro/ENGINEER - Nivå I
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Pro/ENGINEER för administratörer
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Introduction to Behavioral Modeling
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to PRO/PIPING
(On Demand)
5.600 Sto
Introduction to Photorender
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Interactive Surface Design
(On Demand)
5.600 Sto


PRO/ENGINEER WILDFIRE BASIC DESIGN kurs by X-konsult, se kurs innehåll längst ner.


PTC  kurser nedan
E-post: Kurs-/frågor och bokning: Pro/Nordic PTC kurser klicka HÄR! 

Course Title



Start Date

End Date
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Advanced Assembly Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Arbortext IsoDraw 7.0 Foundation with CADprocess English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Freeform Surface Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Introduction to Windchill PDMLink 9.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Milling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Windchill PDMLink 9.0 Business Administration English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 

Course Title



Start Date

End Date

Här nedan ett urval av PTC kurser i Sverige. Sök PTC-kurs på egen hand: Länk-HÄR!
E-post: Kurs-/frågor och bokning:
Pro/Nordic PTC kurser klicka HÄR! 

Course Title



Start Date

End Date
Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 English SE-Växjö Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Creating Production Drawings with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Advanced Assembly Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna Se PTC -1 Kontakta oss 
Creating Production Drawings with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Advanced Assembly Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 English SE-Malmö
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 English SE-Växjö
Freeform Surface Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Växjö
Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 English SE-Växjö
Milling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Advanced Assembly Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Milling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Freeform Surface Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Milling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Stockholm, Solna
Advanced Assembly Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Malmö
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Växjö
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 English SE-Göteborg, Mölndal

Course Title



Start Date

End Date


Se PTC University training schedule  - PTC kursschema för Sverige - Danmark.

Se hela alla planerade UTBILDNINGAR HÄR !



Technical Points:

  • Project oriented structure

  • Sketches

  • Extrude and Revolve

  • Edit and Regenerate

  • Datum Features

  • Engineering Features

  • Blend and Sweep Features

  • Mirror Features

  • Patterns

  • Feature Manipulation

  • Detail Drawings

  • Assembly Creation

  • Model Cosmetics

  • Engineering Analysis and Info Layers

  • Parameters and Relations

  • Units and Other Tools

  • Print and Export

  • Customizing the Interface

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 introduction

Utbildningens längd, grundkurs

 5 dagar


X-konsult 14.000 SEK,  PTC 16.500SEK

Inga förkunskaper är nödvändiga

Utbildningen riktar sig till nya användare av Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0. Även konstruktörer med erfarenhet av andra CAD-system bör gå Basic Design för att få en solid grund att arbeta vidare på. För snabba kursdeltagare finns extra övningar.

Deltagaren ska efter genomgången kurs ha inhämtat kunskaper om och färdigheter i Pro/ENGINEERs mera grundläggande funktioner för skapande och hantering av
• enskilda detaljer (parter)
• sammanställningar (assemblies)
• ritningar

Samt en generell kunskap om programmets
• användargränssnitt
• filhantering (ej Windchill PDMLink)
• inställningar

Som ny användare kan det vara krävande att på egen hand sättas sig in i ett komplext verktyg som Pro/ENGINEER. Med kursen Basic Design kommer deltagaren snabbt igång och kan börja arbeta effektivt i programmet.

Litteraturen utgörs av engelsk kursbok med teoriavsnitt och övningar.

Kursupplägget bygger på problembaserad inlärning med stigande svårighetsgrad. Teori varvas med praktiska exempel och övningar.

Lärarens kompetens
Mångårig konstruktions- och utbildningserfarenhet. Är utbildad i pedagogik och presentationsteknik.

Kursen börjar med att bygga en stabil grund av viktiga koncept för programmets användargränssnitt och filhantering, samt dess parametriska och modellcentrerade uppbyggnad.

Deltagaren lär sig också hantera det som skapas på skärmen, hur man
• vänder och vrider på 3D-modellen
• väljer olika visningslägen
• anpassar tillhörande information
• väljer/markerar olika element

Deltagaren får lära sig Sketchern som ligger till grund för merparten av det som skapas i Pro/ENGINEER men som av många upplevs som en hög tröskel.

3D-geometrier baserade på skisser
När deltagaren har grepp om Sketchern går vi vidare och skapar 3D-geometrier som utgår från skissade sektioner.

Följande grundläggande verktyg och deras inställningar gås igenom:
• Extrude
• Revolve
• Blend
• Sweep
• Rib

För att styra placering och storlek på det som skapas används med fördel referenselement, Datum Features. Dessa ger rätt använt en robustare och mera flexibel modell. De olika varianterna och deras användning gås igenom.

Ett steg längre
3D-geometrierna vi skapat tas ett steg längre genom att lära oss verktygen för Engineering Features, vilka utgörs av:
• Hole
• Round
• Chamfer
• Shell
• Draft

Ofta har en 3D-modell geometrier som upprepar sig identiskt eller snarlikt. Istället för att skapa dessa på nytt kan redan skapad geometri i många fall återanvändas. Utöver att spara tid vid själva skapandet ger dessa metoder en smartare modell.

Parametrar och relationer
Det vi skapar kopplas mer eller mindre automatiskt samman genom relationer mellan olika parametrar, detta tillhör själva kärna i Pro/ENGINEER. Vi lär oss de olika typerna av parametrar och hur de kan användas ihop med egna relationer.

I takt med att komplexiteten hos modellen ökar så ökar också mängden visuell information och behovet av att hantera denna på ett överskådligt sätt. Här kommer möjligheten att placera saker på olika lager väl till hands.

Vi går igenom de olika varianterna och ser bl.a. hur regler kan användas för att styra vad som hamnar på ett lager.

Det finns flera tillfällen då man är i behov av att anpassa hur modellen eller sammanställningen visas. Vi går igenom de olika metoderna och lär oss också hur dessa anpassningar kan sparas och kombineras.

En konstruktion består i verkligheten oftast av flera sammansatta delar. På liknande sätt monterar vi i Pro/ENGINEER ihop de olika delarna skapat i sammanställningar. Vi går igenom de olika metoderna och diskuterar också lite konstruktionsmetodik.

Information och Analyser
Under arbetets gång är vi ofta i behov av att kontrollera modellens och sammanställningens uppbyggnad, struktur och geometri. Vi lär oss hur vi får tag på denna information och hur vi gör enklare analyser.

När vi nu lärt oss skapa detaljer och sammanställningar är nästa steg att se hur vi kan skapa ritningar utifrån dessa. Det handlar i Pro/ENGINEER mycket om att plocka fram informationen som redan finns klar. Vi lär oss grunderna i hur vi skapar detalj- och sammanställningsritningar.

Importera och Exportera
Det finns i Pro/ENGINEER goda möjligheter att utbyta information med andra CAD-system. Vi går igenom de vanligaste filformaten och grunderna för import och export.

Pro/ENGINEER är väldigt anpassningsbart och har följaktligen många inställningar.

Vi går översiktligt igenom inställningarna för
• programmet generellt
• dess gränssnitt
• de enskilda objekten


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 introduction to Pro/PIPING

Utbildningens längd

 2 dagar


 6.600 SEK

Grundkursen Basic Design eller motsvarande samt gärna en tids användning av programmet.

Utbildningen riktar sig till deltagare som kan grunderna i Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0.

Deltagaren ska efter genomgången kurs ha inhämtat grundläggande kunskaper om och färdigheter i modulen Pro/PIPING.

I denna kurs lär sig deltagaren att använda Pro/PIPING med dess kraftfulla och tidsbesparande funktioner för konstruktion av rörsystem.

Litteraturen utgörs av engelsk kursbok med teoriavsnitt och övningar.

Kursupplägget bygger på problembaserad inlärning med stigande svårighetsgrad. Teori varvas med praktiska exempel och övningar.

Lärarens kompetens

Mångårig konstruktions- och utbildningserfarenhet. Är utbildad i pedagogik och presentationsteknik.

Assembly Preparation and Structure
Deltagaren lär sig förbereda och strukturera rörsystemet samt hur visning och minnesåtgång kan optimeras med Simplified Reps.

Defining Line Stocks
Deltagaren lär sig definiera vilken typ av rör som ska användas i termer av storlek, form och material.

Routing Pipelines
Deltagaren lär sig skapa de olika rörsegmenten och definiera var och hur de ska böjas, förgrenas och kopplas samman.

Deltagaren lär sig skapa och hantera olika kopplingar och ventiler.

Pipeline Fabrication
Deltagaren lär sig funktioner som är relaterade till den tänkta tillverkningen av rören så som tillkapning, svetsning och isolering.

Modifying Pipelines
Deltagaren lär sig modifiera rörsystemet och dess parametrar.

The Piping System Tree
Deltagaren lär sig hantera Piping System Tree.

Piping Information Reports
Deltagaren lär sig skapa rapporter med information om rörsytemet och dess komponenter.

Drawing Reports for Piping
Deltagaren lär sig hur information från Pro/PIPING kan lyftas in på ritningen med hjälp av Pro/REPORT. 



Technical Points:

  • Configuration and Setup

  • Drawing Creation

  • Creating Views

  • View Manipulation

  • Dimensions and Axes

  • Dimension Properties

  • Geometric Tolerances

  • Draft Entities

  • Symbols, Notes, Sheets

  • Multiple Model Drawings

  • Tables, Hole Tables

  • Pro/REPORT

  • Copy and Paste

  • Drawing Reps

  • Merge Drawings

  • Markups

  • Formats and Title Blocks

  • Drawing Templates

  • Print, Import, and Export


  • Advanced Assembly Design with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 to create and manage complex assemblies. You will learn how to use advanced assembly tools that enable you to add and maintain design, increase your efficiency, and increase system performance when working with large assemblies.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Oct 18–Oct 20
    • Lund, Sweden Aug 30–Aug 30

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Lund, Sweden Nov 08–Nov 10
    • Show all offerings
  • Advanced Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    The Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 training course teaches you how to use advanced part modeling techniques in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 to improve your product designs. In this course, you will learn how to create and modify design models using advanced sketching techniques and feature creation tools.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Sep 13–Sep 15
    • Horsholm, Denmark Nov 01–Nov 03
    • Lund, Sweden Oct 04–Oct 06
    • Show all offerings
  • Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to become proficient with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 as quickly as possible. In this course, you will focus on learning core-modeling skills. Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies, drawings, and basic model management techniques.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Aug 30–Sep 03

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Askim, Gothenburg Nov 01–Nov 05
    • Horsholm, Denmark Sep 06–Sep 10
    • Show all offerings
  • Detailing with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    Detailing with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 is a comprehensive training course that teaches you how to quickly create detailed drawings using information captured within 3-D design models. In this course, you learn how to create drawings, how to detail drawings, and how to take advantage of the parametric and associative nature of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 when configuring drawings.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Sep 20–Sep 22
    • Askim, Gothenburg Nov 10–Nov 12
    • Horsholm, Denmark Sep 20–Sep 22
    • Show all offerings
  • Mathcad 14.0 Essentials

    In this course, you will learn the essentials of Mathcad, including its unique whiteboard interface, and math toolbars. It reinforces Mathcad’s extensive functionality using clear and concise trainer-led instruction and examples.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Sep 08–Sep 09
    • Lund, Sweden Nov 17–Nov 18
    • Sandvika, Norway Aug 25–Aug 25

      Registration closes in 6 days

    • Show all offerings
  • Windchill PDMLink 9.0/9.1 Business Administration

    In this course, you will learn how to perform basic Windchill PDMLink 9.0 and 9.1 administration tasks. You will learn how to plan and create user accounts and groups, and how to plan and create information management storage strategies. Other topics will include life cycles, workflows, teams, and configuring domain policies.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Sep 28–Sep 30
    • Askim, Gothenburg Oct 06–Oct 08
    • Lund, Sweden Oct 18–Oct 20
    • Show all offerings
  • Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 is a comprehensive training course that teaches you how to create sheetmetal parts in Pro/ENGINEER. The course builds upon the basic lessons you learned in Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 and serves as the second stage of learning.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Oct 21–Oct 22
    • Horsholm, Denmark Oct 04–Oct 05
    • Kista, Sweden Sep 16–Sep 17
    • Show all offerings
  • Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to test, validate, and optimize product designs with the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Mechanica module. Mechanica enables you to simulate structural and thermal loads on product designs. In this course, you will complete comprehensive, hands-on lab exercises that simulate realistic analysis and design optimization activities.

    • Askim, Gothenburg Sep 27–Oct 01
    • Kolding, Denmark Sep 20–Sep 24
    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 27–Oct 01
    • Show all offerings
  • Surfacing using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use various techniques to create complex surfaces with tangent and curvature continuities. You will also learn how manipulate surfaces using editing tools, and analyze surfaces for quality and desired characteristics. In addition, you will learn how to create solid features using the surfaces as references.

    • Molndal, Sweden Aug 25–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 6 days

    • Horsholm, Denmark Aug 23–Aug 25

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Lund, Sweden Nov 15–Nov 17
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  • Introduction to Windchill PDMLink 9.0/9.1

    In this course, you will learn how to complete basic Windchill PDMLink functions. You will learn how to access and navigate the Windchill PDMLink environment, manage information, use Windchill PDMLink’s visualization tools, manage assigned tasks, and manage product information changes.

    • Molndal, Sweden Oct 04–Oct 05
    • Lund, Sweden Sep 06–Sep 07
    • Kolding, Denmark Sep 13–Sep 14
    • Show all offerings
  • Pro/ENGINEER Data Management using Windchill PDMLink 9.0

    In this course, you will learn key capabilities and features of PDMLink CAD Data Management and how to use PDMLink to manage Pro/ENGINEER design information. Specifically, you will focus on the day-to-day data management tasks required by the Pro/ENGINEER user community, including how to associate the Pro/ENGINEER CAD data structure to the eBOM.

    • Horsholm, Denmark Oct 11–Oct 11
    • Cleveland, OH Aug 23–Aug 23

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Virtual Class Sep 13–Sep 15
    • Show all offerings
  • Freeform Surfacing using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 you can create freeform surface models using the interactive surface design extension (ISDX) modeling environment, often called Freeform Surfacing or Style surfacing. The Style tool is a spline-based freeform modeler that enables you to combine the parametric feature-based modeling approach with the unconstrained freeform surface modeling approach.

    • Horsholm, Denmark Sep 27–Sep 28
    • Kolding, Denmark Nov 08–Nov 09
    • Longstanton, Cambridge Aug 26–Aug 26

      Registration closes in 7 days

    • Show all offerings
  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    In this course, you will learn how to utilize the core functionality enhancements in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0. First, you will become familiar with the enhancements to Sketcher, such as sketching datum features, parallelograms, and chamfers. Next, you will explore enhancements to Part mode, including creating trajectory ribs, point patterns, and the all-new resolve mode.

    • Horsholm, Denmark Oct 25–Oct 25
    • Kolding, Denmark Sep 06–Sep 06
    • Kolding, Denmark Nov 10–Nov 10
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  • Windchill 9.0/9.1 System Administration

    In this course, you will learn how to install and configure Windchill system components, including PDMLink and ProjectLink. You will learn how to perform routine Windchill system administration tasks including how to shut down and start Windchill services, conduct performance testing, and tune up Windchill components for performance.

    • Lund, Sweden Oct 25–Oct 27
    • Virtual Class Aug 30–Sep 03

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Virtual Class Sep 27–Oct 01
    • Show all offerings
  • Mechanism Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    Mechanism Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 is designed for experienced users who want to add motion to their models by creating mechanism connections and servo motors. In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 you can add motion to your models using the standard mechanism functionality, often referred to as the Mechanism Design Extension or MDX.

    • Kolding, Denmark Nov 15–Nov 15
    • Longstanton, Cambridge Sep 21–Sep 21
    • Ann Arbor, MI Aug 23–Aug 23

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Show all offerings
  • Mechanism Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    This course is designed for experienced users who want to add motion to their products and analyze dynamic reactions of moving components. In this course, you will focus on learning advanced modeling and analysis skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include developing the 3-D model, analyzing the mechanism model, and evaluating results.

    • Kolding, Denmark Nov 16–Nov 16
    • Longstanton, Cambridge Sep 22–Sep 22
    • Parsippany, NJ Sep 27–Sep 27
    • Show all offerings
  • Mold Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    Pro/MOLDESIGN provides the tools to create a mold model from start to finish by using the mold design process within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0. In this course, you will learn how to create, modify, and analyze mold components and assemblies. Any changes made to the design model automatically propagate to the mold components and assemblies.

    • Kolding, Denmark Oct 04–Oct 05
    • Mundolsheim, France Sep 16–Sep 17
    • Reze Cedex, France Sep 30–Oct 01
    • Show all offerings
  • Freeform Surfacing using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 you can create freeform surface models using the interactive surface design extension (ISDX) modeling environment, often called Freeform Surfacing or Style surfacing. The Style tool is a spline-based freeform modeler that enables you to combine the parametric feature-based modeling approach with the unconstrained freeform surface modeling approach.

    • Leipzig, Germany Sep 23–Sep 24
    • Leipzig, Germany Oct 28–Oct 29
    • Ellwangen, Germany Oct 07–Oct 08
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  • Advanced Assembly Design with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 to create and manage complex assemblies. You will learn how to use advanced assembly tools that enable you to add and maintain design, increase your efficiency, and increase system performance when working with large assemblies.

    • Leusden, Netherlands Sep 27–Sep 29
    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 06–Sep 08
    • Wayne, PA Sep 15–Sep 17
    • Show all offerings
  • Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to become proficient with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 as quickly as possible. You will focus on learning core-modeling skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies, drawings, and basic model management techniques.

    • Leusden, Netherlands Oct 04–Oct 15
    • Breda, Netherlands Aug 23–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 20–Sep 24
    • Show all offerings
  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In this course you will learn how to utilize many of the enhancements to core functionality in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0. You will become familiar with enhancements to Part mode, including Draft, Swept Blends, UDFs and general interface enhancements. You will become familiar with the enhancements to Sketcher, such as referencing intent objects and replacing sketcher references.

    • Leusden, Netherlands Sep 16–Sep 16
    • Needham, MA Sep 13–Sep 13
    • Needham, MA Oct 04–Oct 04
    • Show all offerings
  • Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to test, validate, and optimize product designs with the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Mechanica module. Mechanica enables you to simulate structural and thermal loads on product designs. In this course, you will complete comprehensive, hands-on lab exercises that simulate realistic analysis and design optimization activities.

    • Leusden, Netherlands Nov 02–Nov 18
    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 27–Oct 01
    • Needham, MA Oct 04–Oct 08
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  • Mathcad 14.0 - Intro to Basic Techniques

    A hands-on, in-depth introductory course for the novice or intermediate user. Introduces the fundamentals of Mathcad, including its unique whiteboard interface, math toolbars, entering and editing of functions and expressions, arrays and range variables, units, 2D and 3D plots, as well as calculus and symbolic calculation.

    • Leusden, Netherlands Sep 13–Sep 13
    • Aberdeen, United Kingdom Sep 01–Sep 01

      Registration closes in 13 days

    • Aberdeen, United Kingdom Sep 20–Sep 20
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  • Mathcad 14.0 - Intro to Advanced Techniques

    By taking this course users will gain a general understanding of some of the more sophisticated applications of Mathcad, including solving & optimization, programming, data exchange & statistical analysis, and differential equations.

    • Leusden, Netherlands Sep 14–Sep 14
    • Aberdeen, United Kingdom Sep 02–Sep 02

      Registration closes in 14 days

    • Aberdeen, United Kingdom Sep 21–Sep 21
    • Show all offerings
  • Advanced Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    The Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 training course teaches you how to use advanced part modeling techniques in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 to improve your product designs. In this course, you will learn how to create and modify design models using advanced sketching techniques and feature creation tools.

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 01–Sep 03

      Registration closes in 13 days

    • Breda, Netherlands Nov 08–Nov 10
    • Nashua, NH Sep 01–Sep 03

      Registration closes in 13 days

    • Show all offerings
  • Creating Production Drawings with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    Creating Production Drawings with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 is a comprehensive training course that teaches you how to quickly create detailed drawings using information captured within 3-D design models.

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 15–Sep 17
    • Temple, TX Aug 23–Aug 25

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Houston, TX Aug 30–Sep 01

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Show all offerings
  • Fast Track to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to become proficient with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 as quickly as possible. You will focus on learning core-modeling skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies, drawings, and basic model management techniques.

    • Breda, Netherlands Aug 23–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 20–Sep 24
    • Breda, Netherlands Oct 18–Oct 22
    • Show all offerings
  • Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to become proficient with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 as quickly as possible. You will focus on learning core-modeling skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies, drawings, and basic model management techniques.

    • Breda, Netherlands Aug 23–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 20–Sep 24
    • Breda, Netherlands Oct 18–Oct 22
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  • Surfacing using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    The Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 training course teaches you how to use surface modeling in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 to create models with shapes that are too complex for solid features. In this course, you will learn how to use various techniques to create complex surfaces with tangent and curvature continuities.

    • Breda, Netherlands Oct 06–Oct 08
    • Lille, France Sep 13–Sep 15
    • Mundolsheim, France Sep 13–Sep 15
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  • Advanced Assembly Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 enables you to create complex assemblies using a top-down design process. In this course, you will learn how to use Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 to create and manage complex assemblies using top-down design techniques. In the top-down design process, you start an assembly design by creating a layout.

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 06–Sep 08
    • Charlotte, NC Aug 25–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 6 days

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  • Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 is a comprehensive training course that teaches you how to create sheetmetal parts in Pro/ENGINEER. The course builds upon the basic lessons you learned in Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 and serves as the second stage of learning.

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 09–Sep 10
    • Mundolsheim, France Sep 02–Sep 03

      Registration closes in 14 days

    • Mundolsheim, France Sep 23–Sep 24
    • Show all offerings
  • Detailing with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    Detailing with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 is a comprehensive training course that teaches you how to quickly create detailed drawings using information captured within 3-D design models. In this course, you learn how to create drawings, how to detail drawings, and how to take advantage of the parametric and associative nature of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 when configuring drawings.

    • Breda, Netherlands Sep 15–Sep 17
    • Nashua, NH Sep 07–Sep 09
    • South Windsor, CT Sep 27–Sep 29
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  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In this course, you will learn how to utilize the core functionality enhancements in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0, when upgrading from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0. First, changes to the interface will be explored, such as the new skin and screen colors.

    • Breda, Netherlands Oct 11–Oct 12
    • Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire Sep 22–Sep 23
    • Nashua, NH Sep 13–Sep 14
    • Show all offerings
  • Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0, you can use surface modeling to create design models with shapes that are too complex for solid features. In this course, you learn how to use various techniques to create complex surfaces with tangent and curvature continuities. You can then create solids using the surfaces as references.

  • Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    Sheetmetal Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 is a comprehensive training course that teaches you how to create sheetmetal parts in Pro/ENGINEER. The course builds upon the basic lessons you learned in T1803 - Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 and serves as the second stage of learning.

  • Designing Sheetmetal Products with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In this course you will learn how to design sheetmetal parts and assemblies, including sheetmetal production drawings. All the functions needed to create sheetmetal parts, drawings, and assemblies are covered.

  • Arbortext IsoDraw 7.0 Foundation with CADprocess

    In this course, you will learn basic and advanced drawing operations of Arbortext IsoDraw. This course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the essential drawing skills and commands needed to produce quality technical illustrations for publications. You will learn how to open, save, and close new and existing documents.

    • Breda, Netherlands Oct 27–Oct 29
    • Cleveland, OH Sep 29–Oct 01
    • Virtual Class Sep 13–Sep 17
    • Show all offerings
  • Creating Production Drawings with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    Creating Production Drawings with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 is a comprehensive training course that teaches you how to quickly create detailed drawings using information captured within the 3-D design models. The course builds upon the basic lessons you learned in Fast Track to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0, and serves as the second stage learning.

  • Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 you can use surface modeling to create design models with shapes that are too complex for solid features. In this course you learn how to use various techniques to create complex surfaces with tangent and curvature continuities. You can then create solids using the surfaces as references.

  • Introduction to ProductView MCAD Professional 9.1

    In this course, you will learn about ProductView and its role as a visualization solution for Product Data Management systems. You will learn how to visualize products and navigate through or query 3-D models. You will also learn how to deconstruct models to view how components fit together. Finally, you will learn how to create annotations to communicate design ideas and problems.

    • Neu Isenburg, Germany Aug 30–Aug 30

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Unterschleissheim, Germany Sep 20–Sep 20
    • Virtual Class Sep 15–Sep 16
    • Show all offerings
  • Update to Windchill PDMLink 9.0 from Pro/INTRALINK 3.4

    In this course, you will learn how to complete basic PDMLink functions including how to access and navigate the PDMLink environment, locate and view product information, complete assigned tasks, as well as use PDMLink’s communication and collaboration tools.

    • Longstanton, Cambridge Aug 23–Aug 24

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Virtual Class Sep 20–Sep 23
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  • Pro/INTRALINK 9.0/9.1 Business Administration

    Pro/INTRALINK is designed to help designers and manufacturers control design information and manage the processes associated with product development. In this course, you will learn how to perform basic Pro/INTRALINK 9.0 and 9.1 administration tasks. You will learn how to plan and create user accounts and groups, and how to plan and create information management storage strategies.

    • Mundolsheim, France Aug 25–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 6 days

    • Mundolsheim, France Sep 08–Sep 10
    • Les Ulis, France Aug 25–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 6 days

    • Show all offerings
  • Mold Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    Pro/MOLDESIGN provides the tools to create a mold model from start to finish by using the mold design process within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0. In this course, you will learn how to create, modify, and analyze mold components and assemblies. Any changes made to the design model automatically propagate to the mold components and assemblies.

    • Mundolsheim, France Sep 16–Sep 17
    • Les Ulis, France Sep 30–Oct 01
    • Reze Cedex, France Sep 30–Oct 01
    • Show all offerings
  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In this course, you will learn how to utilize many of the enhancements to core functionality in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0.

    • Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire Sep 20–Sep 21
    • Nashua, NH Sep 13–Sep 14
    • Needham, MA Sep 14–Sep 15
    • Show all offerings
  • Routed Systems Designer 8.0 for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use Routed Systems Designer (RSD) to create schematic diagrams for both electrical harness and piping designs. You will learn how to administer the RSD working environment, and how to configure the catalog library. You will learn how to create functional block diagrams and block interconnect diagrams.

    • Les Ulis, France Sep 06–Sep 08
    • Reze Cedex, France Sep 13–Sep 15
    • San Jose, CA Nov 08–Nov 10
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  • Piping using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    In this course, you will learn how to create specification driven industrial piping designs using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0. This includes learning how to use schematic diagrams created with Routed Systems Designer 8.0 to drive 3-D industrial piping designs created within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire.

    • Bron, France Aug 30–Sep 01

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Wayne, PA Sep 22–Sep 24
    • Pittsburgh, PA Sep 08–Sep 10
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  • Milling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    In this training course you will learn how to machine products using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 manufacturing tools. This course covers creating tool paths for 3 axis milling machines. During the course you will learn how to complete each phase of the manufacturing process. You will start by creating manufacturing models and configuring the manufacturing environment.

    • Nashua, NH Aug 23–Aug 27

      Registration closes in 4 days

    • Nashua, NH Sep 27–Oct 01
    • South Windsor, CT Sep 13–Sep 17
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  • CoCreate Basic Modeling

    Introduction to CoCreate Modeling is a course that will teach you the basics about 3-D design using CoCreate Modeling. You will learn about CoCreate’s explicit approach to 3-D design and the basics of working with workplanes and 2-D. Using the intuitive interface, you will learn how to build and modify parts and assemblies. You will also be instructed on tips and best practices.

  • CoCreate Annotation

    CoCreate Annotation is a course that will teach you 2–D drawing creating using CoCreate Annotation. Create multiple-sheet drawings. Generate various types of primary and dependant views with different types of update modes. You will also learn how to add all types of annotations to your drawing, ranging from dimensions, additional geometry and text, symbols, pictures, and even OLE objects.

  • Relex 2009 Fundamentals

    Relex 2009 Fundamentals is designed to get you up and running with Relex 2009, enabling you to quickly maximize your investment. Every Relex course combines a solid theoretical framework with hands-on instruction in software features and functionality. Sample projects based on real-world scenarios are used throughout the course to help you understand and apply the software.

  • Customizing the Windchill 9.0 User Interface

    In this course, you will learn how to customize the Windchill 9.0 user interface, including a practical sample customization which can be used immediately. You will learn both modifying existing Windchill pages and adding new pages, all using the Windchill client architecture (WCA). All data retrieval will be performed via Info*Engine.

    • Needham, MA Sep 20–Sep 24
    • Blaine, MN Sep 20–Sep 24
    • Lisle, IL Sep 20–Sep 24
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  • Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to test, validate, and optimize product designs with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0’s Mechanica module. Mechanica enables you to simulate structural and thermal loads on product designs. You will also complete comprehensive, hands-on lab exercises that simulate realistic analysis and design optimization activities.

  • Mechanism Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    This course is designed for experienced users who want to add motion to their products. You will focus on learning advanced assembly skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include creating mechanism connections, configuring the mechanism model, creating a kinematic analysis, and evaluating results.

    • South Windsor, CT Sep 30–Sep 30
    • Temple, TX Sep 01–Sep 01

      Registration closes in 13 days

    • Houston, TX Oct 21–Oct 21
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  • Mechanism Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    This course is designed for experienced users who want to add motion to their products and analyze dynamic reactions of moving components. You will focus on learning advanced modeling and analysis skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include developing the 3-D model, analyzing the mechanism model, and evaluating results.

    • South Windsor, CT Oct 01–Oct 01
    • Temple, TX Sep 02–Sep 02

      Registration closes in 14 days

    • Houston, TX Oct 22–Oct 22
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  • Freeform Surface Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 you can create freeform surface models using the interactive surface design extension (ISDX) modeling environment, often called Freeform Surfacing or Style surfacing. The Style tool is a spline-based freeform modeler that enables you to combine the parametric feature-based modeling approach with the unconstrained freeform surface modeling approach.

  • Authoring using Arbortext Editor 5.3

    During this three-day course, you will learn the basic and advanced editing operations of Arbortext Editor. The course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the fundamental skills and commands of this structured authoring tool.

    • Cleveland, OH Oct 12–Oct 14
    • Virtual Class Sep 20–Sep 24
    • Virtual Class Nov 08–Nov 12
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  • Introduction to Arbortext Styler 5.4

    This three-day course teaches the concepts for creating one or more stylesheets for authoring, for editing window display, paged and web outputs. In this course, you will learn how to code stylesheet categories that affect the Arbortext window display and paged output, and how to apply context, position and conditional-based formatting.

  • Cabling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    In this course, you will learn how to create 3-D electrical harnesses using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0. This includes using schematic diagrams created with Routed Systems Designer 8.0 to pass information into 3-D harness designs created within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0.

    • Ann Arbor, MI Sep 27–Sep 29
    • Temple, TX Oct 18–Oct 20
    • Houston, TX Oct 25–Oct 27
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  • Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    The Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 training course teaches you how to use advanced part modeling techniques in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 to improve your product designs. You will learn how to create and modify design models using advanced sketching techniques and feature creation tools.

  • Milling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    In this course, you will learn how to machine products using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 manufacturing tools. This course covers creating tool paths for 3 axis milling machines. During the course, you will learn how to complete each phase of the manufacturing process. You will start by creating manufacturing models and configuring the manufacturing environment.

    • Charlotte, NC Aug 30–Sep 03

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Arlington, TX Aug 30–Sep 03

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Arlington, TX Nov 08–Nov 12
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  • Relex 2009 FRACAS Best Practices

    The Relex 2009 FRACAS Best Practices class lays the groundwork for a successful closed loop corrective action system by helping you understand all the choices, implications, and challenges inherent in establishing an effective FRACAS process. Following a presentation of the theoretical framework, Relex FRACAS is used to model a best-practice FRACAS implementation.

  • Behavioral Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

    This course is designed for experienced users who want to add additional features that enable you to meet or exceed the design specifications of your products. In this course, you will focus on learning advanced analysis skills unrelated to structural or thermal analysis in this comprehensive, hands-on course.

    • Temple, TX Aug 31–Aug 31

      Registration closes in 12 days

    • Temple, TX Oct 27–Oct 27
    • Houston, TX Oct 20–Oct 20
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  • Piping using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In this course, you will learn how to create specification driven industrial piping designs using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0. This includes learning how to use schematic diagrams created with Routed Systems Designer 6.0 to drive 3-D industrial piping designs created within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire.

  • Behavioral Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    This course is designed for experienced users who want to add additional features that enable you to meet or exceed the design specifications of your products. In this course, you will focus on learning advanced analysis skills unrelated to structural or thermal analysis in this comprehensive, hands-on course.

  • Windchill 9.0 Workflow Administration

    In this course, you will learn Windchill Workflow features and how to design, configure and test workflow processes. You will complete Pro/FICIENCY skills assessment questions for each module. These questions are used to help reinforce your understanding of the course topics and form the basis for daily review sessions.

    • Virtual Class Aug 30–Sep 02

      Registration closes in 11 days

    • Virtual Class Oct 04–Oct 07
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  • Introduction to Windchill ProjectLink 9.0/9.1

    In this course, you will learn how to participate in and manage projects using Windchill ProjectLink 9.0. You will learn how to access and navigate the Windchill ProjectLink interface. This includes navigating and using your personal environment, the project environment, and the visualization environment.

    • Virtual Class Sep 13–Sep 14
    • Virtual Class Oct 04–Oct 06
    • Virtual Class Nov 01–Nov 03
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  • Understanding SGML and XML using Arbortext 5.3

    In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and eXtensible Markup Language (XML), which are structured information languages.

  • Pro/ENGINEER Data Management using Windchill PDMLink 9.1

    In this course, you will learn key capabilities and features of PDMLink CAD Data Management and how to use PDMLink to manage Pro/ENGINEER design information. Specifically, you will focus on the day-to-day data management tasks required by the Pro/ENGINEER user community, including how to associate the Pro/ENGINEER CAD data structure to the eBOM.

    • Virtual Class Sep 15–Sep 16
    • Virtual Class Oct 06–Oct 07
    • Virtual Class Nov 03–Nov 04
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  • Configuring the Arbortext 5.3 Application

    This three-day workshop is designed to familiarize you with the design modules of Arbortext Architect that enable you to create, configure, and maintain document types. You learn about user interface configuration, the DCF file, and document type preferences as you master new terminology and skills.

  • CoCreate Model Manager

    CoCreate Model Manager covers how to manage, search, load, and save CoCreate data . You learn how to manage multiple versions and various data types. You learn to work with others by monitoring data, managing permissions, passing data, and resolving potential conflicts. You also learn how to create and edit a BOM using the BOM Editor.

  • Introduction to Arbortext Styler 5.3

    This three-day course teaches the concepts for creating one or more stylesheets for authoring, for editing window display, paged and web outputs. In this course, you will learn how to code stylesheet categories that affect the Arbortext window display and paged output, and how to apply context, position and conditional-based formatting.

  • Administering Pro/INTRALINK 3.4

    In this course, you will learn how to implement and perform administrative tasks in Pro/INTRALINK 3.4. This includes learning how to use Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 to manage product designs in a concurrent engineering environment.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Administering Pro/INTRALINK 8.0

    Pro/INTRALINK 8.0 is designed to help manufacturers control design information and manage the processes associated with product development. In this course, you will learn how to perform basic Pro/INTRALINK 8.0 administration tasks. You will learn how to plan and create user accounts and groups, and how to plan and create information management storage strategies.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Advanced Assembly Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 enables you to create complex assemblies using a top-down design process. In this course you will learn how to use Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 to create and manage complex assemblies using top-down design techniques. In the top-down design process, you start an assembly design by creating a layout.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Advanced Part Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use advanced part modeling techniques in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 to improve your product designs. You will learn how to create and modify design models using advanced sketching techniques and feature creation tools. You will learn how to reuse existing design geometry when creating new design models.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Arbortext 5.2 - Authoring with Arbortext Editor

    During this three-day course, you learn the basic and advanced editing operations of Arbortext Editor. The course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the fundamental skills and commands of this structured authoring tool.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Arbortext 5.3 Publishing Engine Installation and Configuration Workshop

    In this course, you will learn about the Arbortext Publishing Engine (PE). You will learn about the PE architecture and the components used to implement and configure PE. You will be exposed to PE’s functional behavior and capabilities, and learn to program PE and mange the server.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Arbortext CSDB for S1000D

    A course designed for those who are new to AcquirED or ideal as a refresher course the training covers all aspects of using AcquirED to produce a CSDB to AECMA S1000D and DefStan 00-60.

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  • Arbortext IsoDraw 7.0 Foundation

    In this course, you will learn basic and advanced drawing operations of Arbortext IsoDraw. This course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the essential drawing skills and commands needed to produce quality technical illustrations for publications. You will learn how to open, save, and close new and existing documents.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 CADprocess

    This course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the essential drawing skills and commands needed to produce quality technical illustrations for publications. You willlearn how to automate the creation of technical illustrations from existing 3-D CAD data.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 Foundation

    In this course, you will learn basic and advanced drawing operations of Arbortext IsoDraw. This course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the essential drawing skills and commands needed to produce quality technical illustrations for publications. You will learn how to open, save, and close new and existing documents.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 Foundation with CADprocess

    In this course, you will learn basic and advanced drawing operations of Arbortext IsoDraw. This course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the essential drawing skills and commands needed to produce quality technical illustrations for publications. You will learn how to open, save, and close new and existing documents.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Authoring for DITA using Arbortext Editor 5.3

    In this four-day course, you will learn the basic and advanced editing operations of the Arbortext DITA application and Arbortext Editor. The course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the fundamental skills and commands of the Arbortext DITA application.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Authoring using Arbortext Editor 5.4

    During this three-day course, you will learn the basic and advanced editing operations of Arbortext Editor. The course emphasizes hands-on experience, interaction between student and instructor, and a solid foundation in the fundamental skills and commands of this structured authoring tool.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Behavioral Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    This course is designed for experienced users who want to add additional features that enable you to meet or exceed the design specifications of your products. You will learn how to analyze your models and create analysis features that can enforce your design intent. You will also learn how to create sensitivity and feasibility studies that aid you in determining how to reach your design goals.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Cabling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In this course, you will learn how to create 3-D electrical harnesses using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0. This includes using schematic diagrams created with Routed Systems Designer 6.0 to pass information into 3-D harness designs created within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Advanced Design Module

    This course introduces all the functionality of CoCreate® Advanced Design module.

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  • CoCreate Advanced Modeling

    In this course you will learn advanced functions, options, and design methodologies of CoCreate Modeling. This course includes advanced 3–D modification functions and options. You will be introduced to advanced freeform functions. You will also learn how to further manage assemblies with configurations, and clash analysis.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Drafting 2008: Beginner Training

    In this course, you will learn that CoCreate Drafting offers a powerful, unique program for quickly creating and modifying 2D drawings of parts and assemblies. This course delivers the foundation needed to jumpstart your success with 2D design with CoCreate Drafting.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Modeling Up to Date

    Our Modeling Update course presents up-to-date information about the most current version of Designer Modeling.

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  • CoCreate Modeling: Advanced Assemblies and Parametrics

    In this course you will learn how to specify parametric and logical relations between faces and features of solid models, which will then allow the easy exploration of design alternatives by changing variables within a table, or directly on the model.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Modeling: Advanced Surfacing

    This CoCreate Modeling Advanced Surfacing class offers valuable insight for developing and modifying 3D models utilizing Surfacing tools, techniques and methodologies. The course delivers the foundation needed to enhance your skills required to create and modify complex geometric models and forms in a fast-paced design environment.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Modeling: Cabling

    CoCreate Cabling ensures effective manufacturing by creating and validating 3D cable harnesses in your mechanical design. CoCreate Cabling includes powerful features for creating and making the most of your harness assemblies.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Modeling: FEA

    The Finite Element Analysis course, will give you an understanding of the finite element process as used in CoCreate Modeling. After this training, you will know how to create, modify, copy and delete an analysis study as well as set up correct boundary conditions.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Modeling: Sheet Metal

    The Sheet Metal course will impart the knowledge for you to quickly design high quality sheet metal parts. You will learn to create sheets, add lips, hems and offsets and to use standard tools from a library of punches and stamps.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • CoCreate Part Library

    In this course, you will learn about and use the PartLibrary Module for CoCreate Modeling. You will be introduced to Standard Part Library and screw connections. You will also learn how to assign material properties to parts and assemblies. In addition, drill holes, shaft related operations and Annotation tools will be introduced.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Configuring the Arbortext 5.4 Application

    This three‐day workshop is designed to familiarize you with the design modules of Arbortext Architect that enable you to create, configure, and maintain document types. You learn about user interface configuration, the DCF file, and document type preferences as you master new terminology and skills.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Creating 2-D Schematics with RSD 5.0 and Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use Routed Systems Designer (RSD) to create schematic diagrams for both electrical cabling and piping designs. You will learn how to create block diagrams to represent initial system designs. You will also learn how to create electrical circuit and wiring diagrams, and how to create Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P& ID) for piping systems.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Creating MapTemplates for XML Import using Arbortext 5.3

    In this course, you will learn about the powerful import capabilities of PTC's Arbortext Import/Export feature. You will learn about the interface, configure Import and use it to create and update MapTemplates. You will learn how to create and open Import Projects, build Import MapTemplates, and use those MapTemplates to convert proprietary formatted documents to XML.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Creating StylerSheets for RTF Export using Arbortext

    In this course, you will learn about the powerful capabilities of the Export feature that come with Arbortext’s Import/Export. You will learn how to configure Export, how to export XML documents to RTF using style properties defined in an Arbortext StylerSheet, and modify existing StylerSheets for a complex export of XML data to RTF.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • EAGLE Advanced User Training

    An essential course for anyone required to administer the EAGLE LSAR product and manage the installations at a higher level than the standard users. The training covers administrative and advanced features of EAGLE LSAR.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Eagle Application Training

    A course designed for new or returning users of the EAGLE LSAR product. The training covers elements of the operation of EAGLE LSAR as undertaken by a standard user in a day-to-day working environment. After completion of this course the delegates will be able to operate the software in a consistent and efficient manner.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Freeform Surface Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0, you can create freeform surface models using the interactive modeling environment called Style (ISDX). Style is a spline-based freeform modeler that allows you to combine the parametric feature-based modeling approach with the unconstrained freeform surface modeling approach.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Introduction to FlexPLM 9.0

    In this course, you will learn how to complete basic FlexPLM functions including how to access and browse in the FlexPLM environment. You will learn how to locate and view product information and how to manage principle business objects such as Seasons, Products, and Colorways.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Introduction to Pro/INTRALINK 9.0/9.1

    In this course, you will learn how to complete basic Pro/INTRALINK functions including how to access and navigate the Pro/INTRALINK environment, locate and view product information, complete assigned tasks, as well as use Pro/INTRALINK’s communication and collaboration tools.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Introduction to ProductView 9.0

    In this course, you will learn about ProductView tools and techniques that are most commonly used. Using the ProductView Standard client, you will learn how to locate and view models in Windchill and Pro/INTRALINK PDM solutions.

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  • Introduction to Routed Systems Designer 6.0 for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use Routed Systems Designer (RSD) to create schematic diagrams for both electrical cabling and piping designs. You will learn how to create block diagrams to represent initial system designs.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Introduction to Windchill MPMLink 9.1

    In this course, you will learn how to complete basic Windchill MPMLink functions. You will learn about MPMLink in the context of Manufacturing Process Management (MPM). You will also learn how to access and navigate the Windchill MPMLink environment, manage information, use Windchill MPMLink’s visualization tools, and manage manufacturing changes attributed to product development.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Introduction to Windchill PDMLink 8.0

    In this course, you will learn how to complete basic Windchill PDMLink functions. You will learn how to access and navigate the Windchill PDMLink environment, manage information, use Windchill PDMLink’s visualization tools, manage assigned tasks, and manage product information changes.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Introduction to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1

    In this Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 course, you will explore the key features and capabilities of Windchill ProductPoint. You will also learn skills required to perform Windchill ProductPoint business administration. You will learn about components of Windchill ProductPoint and how to locate product information.

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  • Mechanism Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    Mechanism Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 is designed for experienced users who want to add motion to their models by creating mechanism connections and servo motors. In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 you can add motion to your models using the standard mechanism functionality, often referred to as the Mechanism Design Extension (MDX).

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Mechanism Simulation using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

    This course is designed for experienced users who want to add motion to their products and analyze dynamic reactions of moving components. In this course, you will focus on learning advanced modeling and analysis skills in this comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include developing the 3-D model, analyzing the mechanism model, and evaluating results.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Migrating Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 Data to Windchill 9.0

    In this course, you will learn how to perform a production migration from Pro/INTRALINK 3.x to the Windchill™ architecture. You will also learn how to conduct a migration effort properly, including planning, preparing the systems for migration, practicing the migration, and conducting the production migration. Lastly, you will discuss post migration tasks.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Milling using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In this training course you will learn how to machine products using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 manufacturing tools. This course covers creating tool paths for milling machines. During the course you will learn how to complete each phase of the manufacturing process. You will start by creating the manufacturing model and setting up the manufacturing environment.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Modeling 3-D Electrical Wiring Harnesses with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In this course, you learn how to create 3-D electrical harnesses using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0. This includes using schematic diagrams created with Routed Systems Designer 5.0 to pass information into 3-D harness designs created within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0.

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  • Modeling 3-D Piping Designs with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    The primary focus of this course is to learn how to create specification driven industrial piping designs using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0. This includes learning how to use schematic diagrams created with Routed Systems Designer to drive 3-D industrial piping designs created within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Mold Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    Pro/MOLDESIGN provides the tools to create a mold model from start to finish by using the mold design process within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0. In this course, you learn how to create, modify, and analyze mold components and assemblies. Any changes made to the design model automatically propagate to the mold components and assemblies.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/ENGINEER Data Management using Windchill PDMLink 8.0

    In this one-day instructor-led training class, you will explore the key capabilities and features of the Windchill 8.0 CAD Data Management with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Specifically, this course is designed to demonstrate the day-to-day tasks performed by the Pro/ENGINEER user community.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER 2001

    With the release of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire and Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0, there have been many productivity and functionality improvements from Pro/ENGINEER 2001. These include a new user interface, a consolidated set of feature tools, and the ability to interact directly with models and features.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER 2001

    With the release of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0, there have been many productivity and functionality improvements from Pro/ENGINEER 2001. These include a new user interface, a consolidated set of feature tools, and the ability to interact directly with models and features.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In this course you will learn how to utilize many of the enhancements to core functionality in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0. This includes learning how to use new sketcher functionality including how to copy and paste items in sketcher and how to insert predefined shapes such as polygons and common engineering sections, such as I-beams.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Update from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    In this course, you will learn how to utilize the core functionality enhancements in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0, when upgrading from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0. First, changes to the interface will be explored, such as the new skin and screen colors.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/INTRALINK 8.0 Data Migration

    In this course, you will learn how to perform a production migration from Pro/INTRALINK 3.x to Pro/INTRALINK 8.0 or Windchill PDMLink 8.0. You will also learn how to scope a migration effort, plan for the resources needed, and conduct a full migration.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/TOOLMAKER 9.0 Basic Training Course

    Look at the general use of Pro/TOOLMAKER 9 in a manner that at the end of the course you should be productive using Pro/TOOLMAKER. The most commonly used options are explained with working examples. Having completed this course you will not know every thing about Pro/TOOLMAKER, some of the lesser used options may be glossed over.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Pro/TOOLMAKER Advanced Training

    Look at the use and options within Pro/TOOLMAKER 9 in detail.

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  • Relex 2009 Reliability Prediction Best Practices

    The Relex 2009 Reliability Prediction Best Practices course is designed to provide you with an in-depth look at reliability prediction analysis techniques and how to use Relex Reliability Prediction effectively. Relex’s highly trained instructor provides a detailed view of the theoretical principles and framework you need to effectively perform reliability prediction analyses.

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  • Reverse Engineering using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    In this course, you will learn how to use the Reverse Engineering Extension (REX) functions in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0. You will learn the capabilities, workflow, and some best practices for undertaking a Reverse Engineering effort with Pro/ENGINEER.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • S1000D Specification

    Intended for users familiar with producing technical publications but who are new to the S1000D specification, this course provides a pragmatic overview of the Aerospace and Defense S1000D concepts.

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  • S2000M Specification - Chapter 1

    A course designed specifically for those who are new to the application of AECMA Specification 2000M. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the specification, including the roles and responsibilities of both Customers and Contractors, the provisioning process and EDI data communications. The role of 2000M within Def-Stan 00-60 is also addressed.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Structural and Thermal Simulation with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

    This course is designed for new users who want to test, validate, and optimize product designs with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0's Mechanica module. Mechanica enables you to simulate structural and thermal loads on product designs. You will also complete comprehensive, hands-on lab exercises that simulate realistic analysis and design optimization activities.

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  • Top Down Design using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

    Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 has a wide range of tools that support the top-down design process. Simply using these tools in your design does not constitute a top-down design. Top-down design is a process in which a product design is planned, structured and executed on from the top level. In this course, you will first learn to use tools within Pro/ENGINEER that support top-down design process.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Understanding DITA using Arbortext 5.3

    This quick introduction to DITA provides an interactive, hands-on exploration of the key concepts of the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA). This course is a starting point for anyone involved in evaluating or adopting DITA. In this course, you will learn about DITA from multiple points of view, whether you are an author, a technical administrator, or a manager.

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  • Update to CoCreate 17.0 from CoCreate 16.0

    CoCreate Modeling 17 Update is a course that updates you on this version of the tool. You will learn about new functionalities introduced.

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  • Using Pro/INTRALINK 3.4

    In this course, you will learn how to effectively manage product design information in a workgroup setting. This includes learning how to access and store product design information in Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, as well as how to manage that information throughout the product design process.

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  • Using Pro/INTRALINK 8.0

    Pro/INTRALINK 8.0 is designed to simplify Pro/ENGINEER data management, enhance enduser productivity, improve security, improve integration with PTC's Product Development System, and better support global Pro/ENGINEER collaboration. In this course, you will learn how to complete basic Pro/INTRALINK functions.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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  • Windchill PDMLink 8.0 Business Administration

    In this course, you will learn how to perform basic Windchill PDMLink 8.0 administration tasks. You will learn how to plan and create user accounts and groups, and how to plan and create information management storage strategies. Other topics include life cycles, workflows, teams, and configuring domain policies.

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      Currently, there are no classes available for this course within the area you selected. If you are interested in this class, please select another location or request the class below.

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On Line Class Schedule

Role-based Learning Paths



Windchill PDMLink 9.0


Ort  Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun

Using Windchill
PDMLink 9.0     
(On Demand)       

6.600 Sto


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Pris(SEK) Ort   Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Update for Wildfire 2.0 Users
(On Demand)
2.800 Sto
Basic Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto

Intermediate Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Advanced Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto



Sheetmetal Design
(3 dagar)
<8.400 Sto


Detail Drawings & Pro/REPORT
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto




Introduction to Surface Modeling
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto



Introduction to Mechanism Design
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto


Tillämpad Konstruktion i Pro/ENGINEER - Nivå I
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Pro/ENGINEER för administratörer
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Introduction to Behavioral Modeling
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to PRO/PIPING
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Photorender
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Interactive Surface Design
(On Demand)
- Sto


Pro/ENGINEER Whttp://ildfire 4.0http:// Pris(Shttp://EK) Ort   Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update for Wildfire 3.0 Users
(On Demand)
2.800 Sto

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Update for Wildfire 2.0 Users
(On Demand)
Basic Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto


Intermediate Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Advanced Design
(5 dagar)
14.000 Sto
Sheetmetal Design
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto
Detail Drawings & Pro/REPORT
(3 dagar)
8.400 Sto


Introduction to Surface Modeling
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto
Introduction to Mechanism Design
(2 dagar)
5.600 Sto
Tillämpad Konstruktion i Pro/ENGINEER - Nivå I
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Pro/ENGINEER för administratörer
(3 dagar)
9.900 Sto
Introduction to Behavioral Modeling
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Pro/PIPING
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Photorender
(On Demand)
- Sto
Introduction to Interactive Surface Design
(On Demand)
- Sto